By Lady Cat
It was storming outside. The thunder so loud it shook the whole house.
Inside, in a back bedroom, a woman was groaning, sweat pouring from her.
There had been no time to get a doctor, so a mid-wife was brought there.
The woman had been given a potion by the mid-wife to help ease the pain and
help with the delivery. It helped somewhat, but the mid-wife could tell
something was wrong. Upon examining the woman, she found the baby was
turned to a breach position. Giving her another drink of the potion, the
mid-wife put her hand up the birth canal and turned the baby around. After
another few minutes, she told the woman to bear down and push. Soon the
head came out, then the rest of the body. After cutting the cord and
cleaning the crying baby, the mid-wife gave the baby girl to a very
exhausted mother.
While the mid-wife had been cleaning the baby, she noticed a mark on the
inside right thigh of the baby. It was in the shape of a rose. In all her years of delivering babies, she had never seen anyone born with a mark like
that. As soon as she could, she was going to look up the meaning of the mark.
The mid-wife stayed there all night. She had made the father stay in the
other room. It was a quirk of hers to do so. The next morning, as the baby was
waking up, the mid-wife looked at the little girl. She was perfect in every
form, her hair jet black and curly, which wasn't uncommon as she had her
father's hair. But when the baby opened her eyes, they were not the normal
blue that newborns often have. They were a golden yellow color and
seemed to glow with a light of their own. The mid-wife knew this would be
no ordinary baby.
The mother woke up, still weak, but feeling better. She looked over at her
daughter and smiled. There was a knock on the door. The mid-wife said it
was okay for the father to come in. After kissing his wife, he got his
first look at his newborn daughter. He thought she was the most beautiful
girl he
had ever seen.
"Cynthia, you have given me the most beautiful baby a father could ever ask
for. I have a name for her already - Storm. What do you think?" She looked
at her husband and nodded. It would indeed be an appropriate name for her
as she was born during the middle of a storm.
Cynthia and her husband, Damien, owned a bookstore in the town. The town
was not very large, but they always managed to have enough business to
keep them going as often tourists would come through and buy a book or two
at their store. Of course, that was not all that was in the bookstore.
In the very back, where no customer went, were shelves that were lined with
jars and boxes of all shapes and sizes, filled with incense, flower petals,
crystals, candles, spices, herbs and other items which were used by a very
select group of people. Cynthia and Damien were the local high priest and
priestess of this group. They called themselves the coven of the White Witch.
Chapter Two
For the first two years of her life, Storm was doted on. She would usually
get whatever she asked for, yet, Storm did not act spoiled. It was when she
had turned two that she gained a sister. This one took after her mother,
with hair the color of ripened wheat and eyes as blue as the ocean itself. She
was named Joy. Storm didn't know what to make of the newcomer at first, but
it wasn't long before Storm would help her mother. When she turned
four, another girl was born, hair the color of fall leaves on the maple - a
beautiful auburn with striking brown eyes. She was named Felicia.
By now Storm thought she was already grown, her mother praising her for
being such a big help with her younger sisters.
The mid-wife had been searching through her books at home, trying to find
the meaning of the rose mark on Storm. She knew Storm would be no ordinary
girl as the other two did not have the mark.
One of Storm's characteristics was noticed by her father. Whenever a change
in the weather would occur, such as a thunderstorm, she did not
become afraid as her younger sisters did. Storm relished it, her eyes
glowing with anticipation. She would often go to the window, wanting to be
out in
the middle of it. Whenever lightning would flash, her eyes would glow,
especially when the lights would go out.
One day the mid-wife came by. She told the parents that Storm may be the
prophecy come true. Now the parents had known of a prophecy that one
day there would come one that would lead the coven, whose power would be
that of the elements. The mid-wife told them that three centuries ago, on a
night such as when Storm was born, the coven had met in the glade not too
far from the town. It seemed that one of the members had turned to the
dark side, using her gifts to worship Satan, doing animal sacrifices and
plotting to rid the coven of the High Priestess and take over the coven.
The High Priestess got wind of the plot and called a meeting of the entire
coven. Ergesh (her coven name) or Julianna, was made to stand in the circle.
The High Priestess told the coven of her plot and presented the evidence.
She was reluctantly asked was this accusation true. She looked at them
with disdain and said yes it was true. She accused the coven of being
wishy-washy, that people were afraid of them and that the coven should use that
to their advantage. She also knew that if she had been successful and had
gotten rid of the High Priestess, her power would have doubled.
The Council had no choice but to banish her to a nether world, where she
was to remain for all eternity. She looked at them with anger in her eyes and
vowed that one day she would be set free and would get her revenge on them
and their descendants. A seal was placed at the entrance that would
keep her from leaving. The seal could be broken only by someone opening
that same seal with a key made of silver.
The mid-wife said that if that seal was ever broken, Ergesh would be very
hard to stop as her power would have built up over the centuries. The only one
that could possibly deal with her would be someone that possessed the
powers of the elements.
Chapter Three
Storm was now 16 and so far had not shown an interest in learning the ways
of the White Witch. Whereas, Joy and Felicia, now 14 and 12, were
totally engrossed to the point they were now attending meetings and were
able to do minor spells and potions.
Her father asked Storm why wasn't she interested in learning as her sisters
did. Like any normal teenager, she felt it was old hat and outdated, not
"cool" as she often told them. Try as they might, they could not get her to
learn. Soon they gave up, hoping that one day she would change her mind.
Four years passed. Joy and Felicia were dating. Storm would often find
herself at home. It was rare that a young man would ever call to ask her out.
Storm would see her sisters go out on dates and would often look at herself
in the mirror, wondering what was wrong with her. Her mother would hear
her crying in her room.
"Why don't I ever have any dates? Am I that ugly?"
Her mother would hold her and tell her she wasn't ugly. In truth she
wasn't. Her jet black hair framed an oval face, setting off her golden
eyes, which
were framed by long lashes. She was slightly plump, but not overly so. Her
body having a nice shape. Joy and Felicia, on the other hand, were svelte
and thus they were noticed first.
Storm put herself into learning the business. It was a good thing she did.
It was just after Storm's 22nd birthday that their parents were killed in a
car accident. The car was totaled, but there were no marks on them.
After about 10 years, Storm thought it would be a smart move to put in a
small coffee shop. It would be a nice place to go and have a cup of espresso
and read in relative quiet. While Storm ran the bookstore, Joy and Felicia
would run the coffee shop. Storm had thought at one time about getting rid of
the shelves in the back, but her sisters persuaded her to keep them.
The mid-wife was now getting very old. It was a rare occasion when the
girls would see her come in the store. One day she made one of her rare visits.
She told Storm she wanted to talk to her. Storm asked Felicia to watch the
bookstore while they went to the back to talk. When they were seated the
woman asked Storm if her parents had told her anything about her birth.
Storm said no they hadn't and asked why. The woman said that when she
was born, she had a mark on her right inner thigh in the shape of a perfect
rose. Storm had noticed the mark but never paid any attention to it. The
woman went on to explain the meaning of the mark. Storm was confused. She
couldn't believe that she would be the chosen one, not having shown an
interest whatsoever. The woman said she should take it seriously and be
prepared. She also told Storm of her dream of Ergesh being set loose and
that it would take everything Storm had to stop her. The old woman also
told her of another dream she had. That Storm would meet her soulmate, one
who would be as she, and that her sisters would also meet their soulmates.
Storm looked at the old woman as if she was crazy. Storm told her that no
one wanted her as she was ugly. The old woman just smiled.
"You are not ugly. You are far more beautiful than you know. You are being
kept apart from the others in preparation for your soulmate." Storm still did
not believe the old woman. The woman said to remember her words, that all
would come true in time.
Chapter Four
Luke Bronson was needing to get away from life. It had been one
disappointment after another as far as his personal life went. At the age
of 38, he
owned a string of successful tattoo parlors which were located all along
the east coast and soon to expand to the midwest and beyond. He himself had
tattoos on both arms and recently had one done on his right thigh.
He had broken up not too long ago. She had tolerated his tattoos only
because of the money he had. His two business associates had often wondered
what he had seen in her. When he had the last tattoo done, she had told him
it was all she could stand. She had told him that quite frankly they were ugly
and did nothing for him.
Luke was a man that would have stood out anywhere. He was very tall and
well muscled, with long red hair which he wore in a ponytail, a red
mustasche and beard, which he kept trimmed, and a blue bandana, which
emphasized the green in his eyes. He didn't look like the typical business
man, preferring to dress in denims. He had a laid back manner, never one to
be in a hurry. He had one hobby she disliked as much as the tattoos -
motorbikes - claiming they were too noisy. He thought now would be a good
time to get away from things for a while. His two associates, Zach Taylor
and Bo Adams, asked if they could travel along with him. After making sure
that the business would be taken care of, they set out on their bikes in the
early morning. Luke was loving the feel of the wind on his face as he rode
down the highway. He thought to himself he was going to have to do this a
little more often.
They had been on the road about a month, stopping just long enough to fuel,
eat a meal or freshen up. It was late summer, the weather still a bit warm.
They had stopped at a rest area to check their map, wondering where to go
next. They decided to take the first turn they came to. About 3 miles down
the turnpike, they saw a sign that said 6 miles to Shasta Lake. On the way
there they stopped in town in front of the bookstore to ask about a grocery
store. It seems the lake had cabins so they decided to spend a few days there.
Felicia saw them enter the coffee shop. The first thing she noticed about
them was how tall they were. Of course, everyone was tall next to her. Then
she noticed their looks. "Where did these guys come from?" she asked
herself. They had a look on their face as if they were lost. "Excuse me, can I
help you?"
Bo turned around and smiled. Felicia couldn't help but notice that he had
the sexiest blue eyes she had ever seen and long wavy blond hair. "We were
wondering where the nearest grocery store was."
Felicia gave them directions as he told her they were going to the lake to
spend a few days. She asked them would they like to rest a spell and have a
cup of espresso? They all thought that was a good idea. Felicia seated
them. Joy came over and asked them what they wanted. Zach ordered a
cappuccino while Luke and Bo ordered espresso. Zach smiled at Joy, who
couldn't help but smile back at him. Zach was also tall, with light brown hair
and hazel eyes.
It was near closing time for the bookstore, so Felicia made sure everything
was put away for the day. The coffee shop usually stayed open for a couple
of hours after. She joined them just as Joy was serving them their orders.
Joy had asked, out of curiosity, how long they were intending to stay. Luke
replied perhaps for a few days, to stretch their legs and rest as they had
been riding for the past month.
Storm came into the shop as she had taken care of some business at the
bank. She saw the bikes parked out front and wondered who they belonged
to. She saw her sisters talking to who she surmised were the owners of the
bikes. She could see they were having a good time talking, but that was
how it always was.
Chapter Five
As she neared the table, Storm could hear Felicia tell them that they and
their sister ran the bookstore and coffee shop. Storm came up asked who
they were. It
hadn't occurred to Joy to find out. "Where are my manners? My name is Joy,
this is Felicia, and this is Storm."
"This is Bo, I'm Zach, and this is Luke."
As Luke shook Storm's hand, he couldn't help but stare. He was thinking
what an unusual name. He couldn't help but notice her unusual eye color.
Never had he seen eyes like that, as if they glowed from some unknown
source. Her jet black hair only made them stand out more. It was sometime
before he let go of her hand.
Storm wanted to go somewhere to hide. No one had ever looked at her before
like that and it was making her feel uncomfortable. She excused herself and
went to the back of the store, thinking the less she was there, the better
it would be. Luke couldn't help but wonder why she left so quickly. It was
as if
she was ashamed to be there.
They stayed another few minutes. When some customers came in, the girls
excused themselves. When Luke went to pay, Joy told him don't worry
about it. She noticed though that he looked to the back, like he was
expecting someone to come back out.
After the shop closed, the girls cleaned up and prepared for the next day.
Storm had stayed in the back. When Joy and Felicia joined her, they were
talking about the strangers.
"They seem like nice guys."
"Yeah, and so tall."
"Well, everyone is so tall compared to you," Joy said with a smile. Storm
didn't say anything. She was thinking about the way the red-haired one,
Luke, had looked at her.
She was also thinking back to what the old woman had said to her. She
said to herself, "no way."
The guys checked into their cabin. It was a three-bedroom cabin, with a
standard kitchen-dining room, living room with fireplace, and 2 bathrooms, with
a small porch facing the lake. After unpacking and putting away the
groceries, they sat on the porch to watch the sunset. It had been a long
day on the
bikes and it felt good to stretch their long legs. Conversation was slow,
each wanting to relax and enjoy the view.
Luke couldn't help but notice the color of the sunset. It was the same as
Storm's eye color. Funny he should remember her name, having only just met
"I'm getting hungry," Bo said. "Who wants to cook?"
"I'll cook us something," Luke volunteered.
"Well, whatever you cook, try not to put too much of a burn on it," Bo said
with a laugh while ducking a playful fist from Luke.
Chapter Six
Storm was having trouble sleeping. She had tried everything she could think
of. Nothing seemed to help. She got up and walked to her sisters' rooms.
They both were sleeping very peacefully. Then she felt something on her
arm. It felt like fingers closing around it, leading her through the house
to the
kitchen to a hidden door. The door opened and Storm found herself in a
small room. On the shelves were numerous jars of incense, herbs, flower
petals, candles, and what looked like shiny stones (They actually were
different colored crystals). Looking around she saw a table in the corner that
had what looked like a well-worn ledger on it. The ledger opened on its
own, revealing what she knew was her mother's handwriting.
She began reading the ledger, the pages turning on their own. The contents,
as she could figure, were notes on spells and potions. Beside each one
were written instructions on what they were to be used for and when to do
them. As she read along, she found it hard in some places to read as they
looked to be worn and used quite often. When the last page had turned,
there was a folded piece of paper with her name on it. As best as she could
tell, the handwriting looked as if it were just written. Storm picked up
the note and read it.
"Storm - we brought you to this room in the hope that you have changed
your mind. The ledger contains everything you need on how to use the items
in this room. Your father and I will always be proud of you no matter
what you do. Do not doubt the old woman's words. She knows more than you
know. Turn to page 15 of the ledger, there you will find the recipe to
help you sleep. We love you, Your loving parents"
Storm read the note again. She thought to herself, "Well, now is the time
to start." For most of the night she slowly read the ledger through,
sometimes having difficulty making out the faded print on some of the
pages. At about 4 in the morning, she began to feel a stiffness in her
neck. She
turned to page 15 and found the recipe to sleep. She read it through and
began looking for the ingredients, measuring them into a bowl:
"Let's see, 2 tsp. of lemon balm; 1 tsp dried chamomile; 4 tsp. dried lemon
grass; 1 tsp dried spearmint, and 1 tsp grated orange peel." After she
mixed them she went to the kitchen and brought the tea kettle to a boil and
put 2 tsp. in a cup and poured the water over it. She slowly drunk the tea .
The next thing she knew, Joy was shaking her. "Wake up, Storm! It's time to
go open the shop!"
Storm woke up and looked at the time. She didn't remember going back to
bed. But she felt better, more refreshed and ready to face the day.
"You and Felicia go on and open up. I'll be there as soon as I can."
Joy and Felicia took the car into town. Storm didn't mind walking. It would
give her a chance to think more on what the old woman had said and what
was written in the note. After taking a quick wash up and dressing rather
quickly, she was out the door.
Luke woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon cooking. Stretching his long
well-muscled body, he went in and took a shower. He kept thinking about
yesterday at the coffee shop. He had never in all his life met anyone like
her. She had run from him as if she were afraid of him. He shook his
head as he put his hair back from his face and put a blue bandana around
his head. He put on black jeans and shirt, socks and biker boots. Seems he
might take a ride into town. It had been a while since he had read a good
Bo and Zach were already eating when Luke sat down. Bo had been talking
about possibly riding around the countryside, checking out different areas
around the lake. Zach was thinking more along the lines of possibly heading
into town and checking out a couple of places there. Bo made the remark
that maybe it was a certain bookstore in town. Zach just looked at him and
smiled. Bo thought, "Come to think of it, that's not such a bad idea." A
vision of long auburn hair and big brown eyes coming into mind. After
clearing the dishes, they left for town.
Chapter Seven
Storm was walking along the side of the road towards town. The day was
perfect, sunny and not too warm. She was lost in thought and did not hear
the Harleys behind
They saw someone walking ahead. As they got closer, Luke recognized the
long jet black hair. They slowed down and were soon beside her. Storm
turned her head and
soon was falling headlong onto the ground, having twisted her foot on a
stone. They stopped immediately. Luke quickly got off his bike to help her up.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" he asked.
"A little shaken, but otherwise I feel alright," she replied.
"How's your foot?"
Storm tested her foot. It was okay. As she began brushing the dust from her
pants, she noticed a rather long cut on the palm of her hand. "Funny," she
thought to herself,
"why didn't I feel it?"
"It seems I cut myself on a stone when I fell," she said.
Luke got a small kerchief from his saddlebag and dabbed at the cut, then
wrapped it around her hand. Storm looked at the ground.
"Thank you. I'll take care of it when I get to the store."
"You know it is rather dangerous to be walking out here. You see what
"I've done this before and never had any problems."
Bo and Zach were sitting there looking at the two of them and smiled,
watching the attention he was giving her. Bo interrupted to say they were
going on seeing that
"everything" was okay. They sped off to town, leaving the two of them there.
"Why don't you ride with me into town. The sooner we get it taken care of
the better."
"Really, it's okay. I'll be fine."
Luke wasn't about to have any of it. "I'm taking you into town. End of
discussion," he said a little more forcefully than he wanted.
Storm didn't say another word. Luke got on his bike. Storm got on behind.
Luke told her to wrap her arms as best she could around his waist. He
slowly took off and took
his time going to town. When they got to the bookstore, Storm got off
slowly and walked into the store, Luke right behind.
Joy was behind the counter and saw them come in. Zach had told her what
happened. "There's a small medicine cabinet in the back," she said with a
Storm showed him where it was. Luke wet a towel and began washing the cut.
"It really isn't necessary for you to do this," she said, her eyes looking
down, not used to the attention being given her.
"Yes it is," he said as he took a cotton swab and put some iodine on it.
"This might sting a bit, but it won't last long." He dabbed a some on the cut.
Storm winced a little, but soon the sting was gone. Luke took a roll of
gauze and wrapped the palm of her hand and then tied it. It felt a little
stiff but he had wrapped it good
so that dirt would not get in. "That should do for a couple of days."
"Thank you."
They walked out of the back. As the store was not too busy, Joy said to go
ahead and grab a cup of coffee. Felicia was behind the counter serving
another cup to Bo
and Zach. Luke and Storm sat at one of the tables. Bo had told Felicia what
had happened. Felicia brought each of them a cup of espresso.
Storm picked up the cup with her other hand but almost dropped it as she
was shaking. Luke caught the cup and helped her take a small sip. Storm was
embarrassed. "I
should get to work. After all, Joy's been running the store and probably
needs a break."
Just then the old woman came in. She saw Storm sitting at the table. She
also noticed Luke sitting there.
"Good morning, granny. How are you today?"
"I'm fine child. What happened to your hand?"
Storm told her what happened. The old woman told her that she really
shouldn't have been walking along the road. There was no telling what could
have happened. Storm
introduced Luke to her. The old woman had been looking Luke over. "Yes,"
she said to herself, "this is definitely the one."
Storm excused herself and went into the bookstore to relieve Joy, who
promptly came into the shop and sat next to Zach.
"I hope you don't mind a nosy old woman, but how long have you been here?"
"My friends and I got here yesterday. We're staying at a cabin at the lake.
I heard her call you granny."
"I'm not their real granny. I was a mid-wife at one time and helped deliver
all three of them. They're kind of special to me. I like coming here and
they treat me as if I was
their real granny."
She got up and excused herself. She took her usual cup of coffee with her
and left, smiling as she went out the door.
Chapter Eight
Joy got her a cappuccino and sat next to Zach. She liked the smell of his
cologne and inched closer to him. Zach was liking the light scent of
lilac that Joy wore.
She went to reach for a napkin, her hand lightly brushing against his
fingers. She felt a spark jump. He looked at her. Joy looked down and blushed.
Bo was looking into Felicia's eyes. He thought they looked like a doe's
eyes, big with long lashes. Felicia had to admit that Bo had the sexiest
blue eyes she had ever seen. The two couples were looking at each other,
the girls not really noticing the customers coming into the shop. One of
the customers cleared his throat. The girls went to wait on them. Bo and
Zach weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
Luke had gone back to the store to see how Storm was. She was busy ringing
up a customer. She did have some trouble handling a book as it was pretty
good size and the bandage making her hand rather stiff. She saw the book
being taken out of her hand and put into the bag. She turned and saw Luke
beside her. Storm closed the bookstore at noon and asked the girls what
they wanted for lunch. It was a habit of hers to get lunch for her and her
sisters. Felicia felt like a sandwich. Joy said she felt like a salad. Bo
and Zach offered to get lunch. Luke asked Storm what she wanted. She didn't
really feel hungry, but Luke said he would bring her something back. She
told him of a small restaurant down the block where she would always go.
Twenty minutes later they were back. The girls set up and soon everyone was
The old woman was in her chair, eyes closed, concentrating her energy. She
could see the relationships developing. Then she saw something that made
her shake. She awoke with a start. It had been the same dream she had for
years. Trouble was coming and was going to test them all to the limit.
Joy opened the store back up a little after one. The guys said they were
going to ride back to the cabin and be back later to take them to dinner.
The afternoon went fast
and soon it was time to close. The girls freshened up in the back of the
store. At seven the guys came back. The girls suggested a place not too far
from there. It was a
steakhouse that served a good New York strip.
The girls drove their car home, the guys following, all agreeing to take
the bikes instead of the car. On their way to the restaurant, Storm again
felt the wind through her hair. As she hung on, she closed her eyes,
letting it wash over her. The couples enjoyed themselves. There was a dance
floor and live music. Storm was especially enjoying herself. She looked up
at Luke and smiled as they were dancing. Luke saw her eyes glow with that
inner light that he had yet to figure out where it came from. They left
just before the restaurant closed.
When they got to the house, the girls invited them in for a nightcap. Storm
went out on the porch. A light breeze was blowing. She could tell a change
was coming. Luke stood next to her, her face glowing in the dark as her
eyes were closed. "What are you thinking about?" he asked.
"Nothing in particular. There's a change in weather coming. It should be
here in a couple of days."
Luke looked at her puzzled. "How do you know?"
"I just do," she replied.
The two couples inside were dancing very close to music that was playing on
the radio. Bo looked down at Felicia, her eyes closed as she was listening
to the music, her lashes looking like fluttering butterfly wings. He tilted
her chin and put his lips to hers, putting his arms around her, holding her
like a precious jewel. Joy and Zach had their arms around each other,
looking in each other's eyes. Zach tried to hold back, not wanting to give
in. Then Zach bent his head, his lips touching hers. They kept on dancing.
Luke was still looking at Storm, her eyes closed. She felt her body being
turned. When she opened them, she saw green eyes in front of her coming
closer. Then a pair of warm lips were on hers. A pair of strong arms
enveloped her, holding her close to his body. Slowly she wound her arms
around his neck. A soft moan escaped her. Luke pulled her tighter against
him, his tongue now winding around hers.
Chapter Nine
The girls opened up the shop as usual, except this morning seemed
different. Everything seemed a lot clearer than it had before. Joy and
Felicia were talking about their
dates inbetween customers. "Whew, I don't know if I can handle Bo. He's
definitely not of the ordinary. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see
was long blond wavy
hair and sexy blue eyes. He's got me hot and I've only known him a couple
of days."
"It's the same with Zach. Those hazel eyes of his make my knees weak every
time I think about them. And can he kiss! Whew! Seriously, Felicia, what do
you think they
would say if they knew we were witches. That could scare them off."
"You're right it could. You know how people perceive witches - hook nose,
all bent over, putting curses on people. They could be the same way. They
may even think we
did a witch spell on them." The girls went back to waiting on the
customers, their day just a little less brighter now than it was.
Storm was busy checking in the new books she had ordered. After pricing
them she began putting them on the shelves. Her hand was still a little
sore but she was able to
move it a bit. Like her sisters, she too was thinking about last night. She
hadn't had much experience, but she could tell Luke was well traveled. She
thought back to the kiss they shared. Even now it made her warm and tingly
all over. She had wanted to mention to him the tattoos on his arms. She was
curious as to what they meant. Storm didn't know much about tattoos, but
she could tell a lot of work and time had gone into them. Perhaps she would
get a chance to find out. She also wondered what would he say if he knew
that she was a witch. Would he have the same misconceptions that most
people had?
The guys had finished eating breakfast at the cabin. Usually they would
joke about something, but this morning they ate in relative silence. Each
of them still had last night
on their minds.
"I think I'm going to stay a while longer," Luke said, breaking the
silence. "You can go on back if you want."
"What makes you think we're leaving?" Zach asked with raised brows. "Bo and
I are just as hooked on Felicia and Joy as you are with Storm." Luke knew
Zach was right.
He was very much hooked on Storm. Luke could tell she was inexperienced but
was a quick learner. It had taken everything he had not to take her to a
dark spot and
make love to her. The thought was sending a warm feeling through his body.
"I'm going for a ride," Luke said as he headed out the door. Bo and Zach
were right behind him. A good bike ride with the wind blowing on their
faces was just what they
needed. They took off and went down a narrow trail they had spotted when
they first got there.
They stopped at a glade near a stand of oak trees. They started to climb
the small hill when Zach spotted something. Looking down at the glade, they
saw something that
puzzled them. They were looking at the outline of a circle that appeared to
have been there for quite sometime.
"I wonder how long its been there and who or what put it there?" Bo asked.
"There's no telling how long its been there. Now who put it there would be
something worth finding out," Zach said.
Luke was looking at the scenery. He could see the town a short distance
away. The trees showing a faint beginning of changing color. It was very
picturesque. The perfect
spot to bring the girls.
"Why don't we bring the girls up here for an outing? I think they would
enjoy it," Luke said.
Bo and Zach agreed. They stayed there for about an hour, enjoying the view
and fresh air. It was towards noon time when they headed back to the cabin
to grab some
lunch and make plans.
The girls closed the store and coffee shop early. They headed home as they
were somewhat tired. After cleaning up and eating a light supper, Joy and
Felicia each relaxed
with a book. Storm was in the little room off the kitchen going through the
ledger. She had decided to heed the old woman's advice. There were places
in the ledger Storm
did not understand. Storm was going to have to ask the old woman what they
The next morning she told Joy and Felicia she was going to see the old
woman. The old woman seemed to know she was coming because she was at the
door waiting for
Chapter Ten
"I was wondering when you were going to come. I take it you're ready to
begin your training?"
Storm nodded her head.
"Good. I'm not going to try and teach you everything at once. I will teach
you what you need to know."
Storm had brought the ledger with her. The first thing she told Storm was
that what she had read from was called a "grimoire." She explained it was a
book of rituals
generally written by the individual based on traditions that have been
handed down for generations. The spells/potions were those her mother had
used often. The old
woman emphasized more than once that at no time were these spells used to
harm another individual, for to do so was to bring harm upon yourself. The
old woman went
through each spell and potion. It was late in the afternoon when they had
finished going through the grimoire. She said that they would begin
practice on the potions and
spells in the next few of days. She wanted Storm to have a while to think
about what the book contained.
Storm went home, her mind in a whirl about what she had learned. There was
so much to learn and so little time. When she arrived she saw the bikes
parked in front of the
The guys had come by early that afternoon to ask the girls did they want to
go on a picnic as they had found a spot not far from the lake. Luke had
been disappointed she
wasn't there. The girls had told him where she had gone. When she entered,
Luke stood up, glad to see her at last.
Luke looked at her hand, seeing the bandage needed changing. Storm took him
to the bathroom and opened the medicine chest. He looked at the cut. It was
beginning to
heal nicely. He put on a fresh bandage. "I had some things I had needed to
talk to granny about. You know how it is when older people get to talking,
they don't seem to
know when to quit," Storm said with a smile.
"Storm, the guys want to take us on a picnic tomorrow."
"Well, I don't see why not. The shop is closed on Saturday. Is there
anything we need to do or bring?"
"No, we'll provide everything. Just bring yourself," Luke said. "We'll pick
you up about 10 o'clock. Is that okay?"
"It's fine with me. I'll be ready."
Joy and Felicia each agreed.
Chapter Eleven
The guys left to get everything they would need. There was a lot to do. The
girls were excited. To have a day away from the house would feel great. Joy
and Felicia were
busy picking out what to wear. Storm was still thinking about what she had
learned. She hoped she would be able to learn them right.
The next morning, Joy and Felicia were up early. Storm was the last to get
ready. She was nervous and couldn't decide what to wear. Felicia said she
would pick out
something for her while she showered.
Storm took her time showering. She had found a bottle of what looked like
shampoo in the back room. It smelled of roses, her favorite scent. She
washed her hair, making
sure the rose-scented shampoo got to every strand. After drying herself,
she massaged lotion all over her. It was what her mother had used on her
own skin; Storm
remembering how soft her mother's skin always felt.
She took particular care in brushing her hair. Storm thought about wearing
it in a ponytail but decided to leave her hair as it was. Felicia had
picked out a peasant blouse
that was worn off the shoulder, jeans, and black sandals. She put on just
enough makeup to highlight her eyes.
The guys were right on time. Joy and Felicia lit up when they saw Zach and
Bo. They guys had left their hair loose, which made them look sexy. Storm
couldn't believe how
different Luke looked with his hair loose.
The guys were all smiles when they saw the girls. Joy and Felicia had
decided to wear tank tops, jeans and sandals. Luke saw how Storm's hair
seemed to shine when
she stood in the sun. When she got on and put her arms around him, he
could smell the faint scent of rose. This was going to be a special day.
It wasn't long before they reached the spot. They had decided to set up as
soon as they got there. They took their time, none of them in a hurry. The
girls packed up the
leftovers when they had finished.
Storm was enjoying the view from the hill. She never knew how beautiful the
valley was until today. As she stood there, she felt a hand close around hers.
"I never knew it was this beautiful," she said.
Luke's arm went around her waist, drawing her close to him. They were alone
as the others had decided to go for a short walk. Along the way, Zach
showed Joy the circle
in the glade, asking her if she knew how it got there. Joy at first didn't
know whether she should tell him or not, but decided to go ahead.
"The glade was a meeting place. The circle is part of a ritual used by a
group of witches or coven."
"Witches!? Let's get away from here!"
Joy knew she was going to have a hard time telling him she was one of those
"witches." But she wasn't going to let that spoil her good time.
Felicia and Bo were near some acorn trees, his arm around her. Bo was
telling her about some things he had seen while traveling on his bike.
Felicia laughed the whole
Towards late afternoon, a cool breeze came up. Storm knew rain was coming
and shivered in anticipation of the approaching storm. Luke had felt her
shiver and thought
she was getting chilly.
"Maybe we had better leave. You're starting to shiver."
Storm didn't tell him that it was not that she was chilly, but that she was
waiting on the approaching storm. By that time the other couples had
returned. They loaded up
the bikes and left for the cabin. They took the food in and then covered
their bikes, setting them up on the porch. Luke started a fire; soon it was
"Are you sure your bikes will be okay?" Storm asked.
"They're covered up good, they'll be okay."
Chapter Twelve
The girls set out the leftovers in case someone was hungry. Bo and Zach
ate as if they had bottomless pits. Bo and Felicia could not stop looking
at each other as the guys ate.
Zach had just finished eating. Joy couldn't take her eyes of him;
just watching him eat was exciting to her. She wondered if she would have to
make the first move. Zach had told her earlier about his wife and how she
had died in a car accident. She knew he might be hesitant, but she felt he
was attracted to her, and she knew she wanted him.
After they had finished eating, they went and sat on the sofa which was on
one side of the fireplace. Joy sat very close to him, resting her hand on
his thigh. Zach cautiously draped his arm around her. It had been a long
time for him and he was missing the touch of a woman. The feel of her hand
on his thigh was stirring his desires. The sound of rain coming down
interrupted his thoughts. Zach could feel her shake ever so slightly. He
didn't know Joy had a fear of storms, which was unusual for a witch.
Felicia and Bo had also gone into the living room and sat down on one of
the love seats there. They were looking into each others eyes as they sat
next to each other. Bo gingerly put his arm around Felicia as she rested
her head on his chest. She could hear his heart beating and when she
wrapped her arm around him she could feel the intake of his breath.
He did not believe what was happening but he didn't want it to
stop. Felicia slowly rubbing her fingers along his rib cage which caused
his breathing to become slightly faster. Bo was running his fingers
through her hair as he rested his head on the top of hers.
There was a big flash of lightning, followed by a loud clap of
thunder which shook the cabin. The lights suddenly went out. Joy visibly
and curled her body into a ball as close to Zach as she could. Zach
tightened his arm around her saying, "It's okay baby, I'm here."
Felicia dug her head more into Bo's chest upon hearing the thunder. She
wasn't afraid of it, but she didn't like the loud sound that the thunder
made. She wrapped her arms tighter against Bo as he wrapped his arms
around her.
"Lightning must have hit a power line. Looks like the fireplace will be
the only light for awhile," Zach said.
Joy started to shake again. He pressed her hand to his chest, then kissed
her forehead. She started to relax. She looked up into his beautiful
hazel eyes. He kissed her softly on the lips and held her til she
stopped. He whispered in her ear, "Please stay with me in my room." Joy
nodded. Quietly they slipped to his room.
Felicia was clinging to Bo, who had a protective arm around her. "Are you
frightened?" Bo asked. "Not of the lightening, but the sound of thunder
does get to me" Felicia replied. Bo kissed her lightly and said "Well, why
don't we go to my room where we can stretch out on my bed. This way I can
keep you protected from the nasty thunder" as he grabbed her hand and led
her to his room.
Luke and Storm had been sitting on the other couch, his arm draped around
her. When there had been the flash of lightning, her eyes lit up. Luke
could see her eyes glow in the dark. Storm got up and went over to the
window, watching the lightning with fascination. Soon a pair of arms
encircled her. Storm leaned back against his chest. The whole time he
wondered where did the glow come from. Storm turned and faced him. The
next flash of lightning saw him bend and kiss her, parting her lips, his
tongue finding his way to hers. Luke knew he should wait, but it was too late.
Chapter Thirteen
Once inside the room, Zach pulled Joy into his arms. "It's been so long
since I've wanted anyone," he whispered. He leaned down and kissed
her. Joy traced his lips with her tongue, enticing him to open his. She
entered his mouth, Zach pushing his into hers as they explored and tasted
each other. Joy broke the kiss, but not before she gently sucked his tongue.
Joy's hands made their way under his shirt, running them up his back,
feeling his muscles ripple at her touch. She moved her hands to his belly,
then up his chest. Zach removed his shirt. Then he helped Joy out of
hers. Joy leaned in and took his nipple in her mouth. Zach moaned
softly. She nipped and sucked till it was hard, then went on to the
other. Zach reached around and unhooked her bra and let it slide to the
floor. Joy loosened his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, feeling his
hardening manhood. She hooked her fingers inside the waistband and pushed
them down, running her hands over his firm backside. She then stepped back
and removed the rest of her clothing.
Joy gently pushed him till they reached the bed and he sat down as they
gazed into each other's eyes. Joy said, "You're a beautiful man,
Zach. Let go of the past." He put his arm around her waist and pulled her
close. With the other hand he massaged her breast, rubbing his thumb
lightly over the sensitive tip, watching as it hardened. He then took it
in his warm mouth, the sensation causing Joy to take a quick, deep
breath. Running her fingers through his long hair, she pulled him away
from him and knelt in front of him. She looked up into his eyes as she ran
her hands over his bare, muscular thighs. Just for a moment, she avoided
his ever growing desire, her fingertips running through the soft tangle of
curls surrounding it.
When she finally wrapped her fingers around his manhood, she took him in
her mouth. Zach jumped at the feeling of her warm tongue dancing over the
tip of his member. The sensations she caused quickly brought him to the brink.
He grabbed her and pulled her up, wrapping his arms around her. He lay
back on the bed, taking her with him. He then rolled over till he was on
top of her, their naked bodies pressed together. He gazed into her
beautiful blue eyes, then kissed her long and hard. He nuzzled her neck
then slowly worked his way down her body, stopping to take each breast in
his mouth, sucking till the pink tips were hard and erect. He ran his hand
down her belly and found the point of her desire, expertly
manipulating her. He inserted two fingers in her as his tongue replaced
his hand. Her breathing was ragged. She moaned and called his name softly
as she reached her climax. He felt her muscles contract around his
fingers. Moving back up to meet her gaze he saw one tear escape from her
eye. She watched as he put his still damp fingers to his mouth, tasting
her inner being.
He held her till her breathing returned to normal. She grabbed his hair
and pulled until his lips met hers. She moved her lips to his ear, "I want
to feel you inside me," she whispered. With his eyes locked on hers, he
positioned himself between her legs and slowly entered her. His size was
incredible. She felt every inch slide in to her. He started thrusting
slow at first. As she adjusted to his size he moved faster, Joy meeting
each thrust with one of her own.
She felt his body start to shake, his eyes closed. She heard a low growl
start in his chest. She felt herself climax for the second time as his
body shuddered, releasing his seed deep inside her. He buried his face in
the hollow of her neck and moaned softly. Joy wrapped her arms around him
till they both calmed.
He rolled off her on to his back. She spoke no words to him, but covered
their bodies with a sheet and snuggled up against him. He wrapped an arm
around her. She couldn't see he was fighting to control the emotion that
welled up inside of him. She fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat,
the storm that raged outside forgotten.
Chapter Fourteen
Bo led Felicia through the darkened house until they reached his
room. They entered and Bo led her over to the bed and sat her down on it
as he went over to the night table and pulled out a candle and lit it.
He turned to Felicia and walked over to her. He hunkered down in front of
her until their faces were just inches apart. Felicia looked at his
features in the dim lighting. She especially loved the way his blond hair
just fell past his shoulders in a wild look. Bo had his eyes closed as
she reached for his hair with her right hand, entangling it in his
hair. With her left hand she tilted his face towards hers until she was
able to kiss him softly.
Bo felt what she was doing and kept his eyes closed. She teased his lips
with her tongue until they parted, giving her access to the warm, moist
inside. She ran her tongue over his as their kiss intensified and they
became more passionate.
Bo started to straighten up, slowly bringing her up and leaning her back
On the bed, with him on top. He had one arm around her as he pulled her
towards him and molded her body to his. He wound up with one leg between
hers and she could feel as he rubbed his thigh against her intimate
part. She moaned softly as he applied more pressure to her with his thigh.
Felicia very slowly let go of his hair and ran her hands very gently down
his shoulders and then up his ribcage until she was able to put her hands
under his shirt and ran her fingers over his manly chest. She teased him
gently with her finger nails until he released her lips and sighed
deeply. She took the opportunity to then kiss and suck on his neck as she
methodically ran her hands down his body, opening and removing his clothes
as she went along.
Once Bo's clothes were open he stood up and removed them. He then laid
next to Felicia as he slowly unbottoned her clothes and very gently ran
his fingers over her skin, making goose flesh appear where his fingers had
just been. He followed his fingers with his lips as he sucked gently on
her exposed skin. He finally had her undressed and proceeded to tease her
to no end.
As they teased each other they wound up tantalizing each other with their
tongues at the same time. When they both felt as if they would explode,
Bo pulled her up and positioned her so that he could enter her.
Felicia was on the verge of losing control when Bo entered her and all he
heard was her sigh as he embedded himself completely with one slow, but
steady stroke. When he was all the way in, he gave her a few minutes to
adjust to him and wrapped her legs around his waist.
He then increased his speed, which she matched stroke for stroke. As they
reached their earth shattering climax, Bo softly bit into her neck to stop
himself from yelling, while she whimpered softly as the both went over.
Bo keep on until he had made them both see the stars and the planets two
more times.
Just as they were descending from their high peak for the third time,
there was a clap of thunder that made the one they heard earlier in the
living room sound mild in comparison. Felicia jumped slightly in Bo's
arms. He slipped over onto his side as he pulled her towards him and she
hid her head in his chest.
He slowly pulled a sheet over them as they stayed as they were, not
worrying about what was going on around them, but enjoying each others
warmth and company.